A touch more Nostalgia

By TMX Archives on 22nd Aug 07


THE annual Nostalgia Trial, promoted by Kendal Classic MCC (an AMCA club), staged last Saturday at Middleton, near Sedbergh, was an amazing event, not least because of the incredible entry of over 200 competitiors!

There were around 120 Pre-65 bikes and 80Twin-shocks with riders travelling from all over the UK to take part.The club responded with three laps of 15 sections on a lovely littlefarmland course that was just long enough to spread the massive entryout a bit AND it was observed with punchcards. The results squad did anexcellent job and scores, to some riders' dismay, were written-up onthe board virtually as you finished. It certainly put paid to a fewtall tails!

Riders varied in age from teenagers, like CarlBatty on his dad's James, to Pre-65 Unit easy course winner DerekBrooks, who still keeps his feet-up, and how, at the age of 72.

For full story and pictures see T+MX NEWS, Friday, August 24, 2007.


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