ALL ABOUT - Elliott Banks-Browne

By TMX Archives on 11th May 12


Elliott Banks-Browne is the Grandson of legendary motocross rider John Banks. He is the reigning Red Bull Pro Nat MX2 champion and is contesting the MX GPs for Roger McGees HM Plant KTM team.


What was your first thought this morning? To call the physio to have my injured thumb checked out. 
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? A motocross racer. I have always been focused on that. 
What is your guilty pleasure? Jeremy Kyle show, I know I shouldn't watch it but it's addictive! 
What is your most treasured possession? Probably my phone, I'd be lost without it. 
How would you most like to be remembered? As a champion.
What was the last song you downloaded? Foster the people – Houdini.
What was the last thing you ate? It's a naughty one but fish and chips. It was a one-off though. Haha!
What is your greatest fear? Drowning.
If you could go back in time what era would you choose? Not really sure, maybe 1960s, that seemed a pretty chilled-out fun time. 
What would you wear to a fancy dress party? Not a lot...Hahahaha!
What can't you leave home without? My wallet and phone. 
What was your most embarrassing moment? I've had a lot to be fair. 
What's your favourite TV programme? Entourage. It's  American TV series. It's awesome.
What would you do if you weren't involved in off-road motorcycling? Something to do with sport. Some sort of athlete I think. I don't like staying still but at the worst be selling cars in the family business 
Can you tell us your other sporting interests? BMXing, cycling, all sorts to be fair. Jet skiing sometimes, skiing, wake boarding. I like to try all sports out. 
Who is your favourite rider? Right now probably Christophe Pourcel as he is just badass. 
What is your favourite off-road memory? Winning my first Pro Championship, Red Bull Pro Nationals 2011.
What is your favourite off-road event? The British MXGP. It doesn't come much better than racing in front of your home crowd.
Who has been your biggest sporting influence? My grandad (John Banks) I think as I've always looked up to what he did (British Champion and second in the World Championship). I've always listened to him.
What is your current ambition? To be both British and World Motocross Champion.

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