Glad tidings to one and all...
By John Dickinson on 20th Dec 13

Now here again, despite requests, its once more time for the annual Christmas review from TMX editorial.
It's the one time of the year that the Queen and I find ourselves with exactly the same problem, which is delivering the
Christmas message as it were.
Although I'll grant mine doesn't quite reach the entire nation – not to mention the commonwealth and the rest of the world!
However, it doesn't make it any less taxing, especially from one of limited intellect (that's me, not the Queen obviously) but we persevere!
As ever, who can believe that another year has flown by? It genuinely feels like yesterday that – after finishing putting last year's Christmas issue to bed, we sat stunned, looking at each other in the TMX bunker all with the same thought – ‘What the hell are we going to find for next week's issue?'
But, of course, it all came together, as did the following 50 issues, each with its own dramas and problems which of course led to, in management speak, "exciting opportunities”.
As a problem solver I can honestly say I have never had so many "opportunities”.
Out in the two-wheeled world it's been good to see that as ever no threat of fresh "recessions” "depressions” whether of the single, double or god preserve us, triple dip variation has collectively dragged us down.
As a sport we have metaphorically stuck two fingers up to the fiscal strangulation applied by the government.
Off-roaders will give up a lot before we'll go without our sport.
Okay, that might mean riding less often and the new bike might have to go by the board but the many packed entry lists that we witness each week shows our keenness to ride.
Over the past few weeks alone I have marvelled at the numbers in trials the length and breadth of the country. Many humble club events have seen rider numbers into three figures.
That is absolutely amazing and it is a pleasure to print reports from these booming events.
The main point is that if clubs put on events that the riders want then those riders will turn out in droves.
The other side of the coin is that riders now no longer suffer sub-standard events.
Screw-up just once and they will take a lot of persuading back.
However, 2013 is almost behind us now and it is our pleasure to present you with our infamous TMX Double Issue which, with its mix of features, tests and reviews, should keep you entertained throughout Christmas – before the first issue of 2014 hits you on Friday, January 3.
So on behalf of all at TMX here's wishing you all a hearty Merry Christmas and A Very Happy New Year!