Hope you had a great Easter

By TMX Archives on 13th Apr 12


FIRST of all this week our humble apologies for the glaring lack of your free glossy pull-out GP Guide and poster in last weeks issue! This was, unfortunately, due to a glitch in the system and totally out of editorial control.


We hope it didn't spoil the enjoyment of reading your new-look TMX and the good news is that you will find your FREE GP pull-out in this week's issue...
Next, all of us at TMX hope that you all – whether riding, marshalling, observing or spectating – enjoyed a cracking Easter.
We always look upon Easter as the traditional start of the racing season and this year, bang on cue, the MXGPs kicked-off at Valkenswaard – albeit on Easter Monday. 
Which is rather tough on us poor hard-done-by guys who (as I write this) are beavering away in the TMX bunker to get some pages away trying to avoid a 20-hour working day tomorrow (Tuesday)!
I can't believe that it is 30 years since I last took part in or even visited an event on a Bank Holiday Monday, such is the self sacrifice of us TMX staffers. Cue violins...not!
Ah, how I remember back in the day, packing as many events into the weekend as possible. There used to be two absolutely cracking scrambles in the northern centre at Easter. 
Bootle on the Sunday followed by the Cumberland Grand National at Brownrigg Fell, near Penrith on Monday. 
Us northern locals used to hope that some out-of-centre aces would make the trip north so that ‘our' heroes of the day, Bob Dickinson and Tony Sharp, could give them a trouncing on a real, hard northern track. Happy days.
There are still plenty of good MX races to take in and plenty of trials to ride too. I remember once cramming three trials into an Easter weekend in three different centres – and not one of them my home Northern centre. 
It was back in Nigel Birkett's Montesa days and we thrashed his Jim Sandiford supplied Ford Granada (and trailer) into Yorkshire on Good Friday for a Richmond bash, to somewhere in deepest Lancashire (which for some reason escapes me now) before heading to north Wales for the Lomax National on Easter Monday.
Many of you will of course have done that, both in the past and this weekend and I'm pretty sure some of you will have gone better and managed four rides. I know Dave Thorpe has in the past.
It was sitting in the office thinking of the Lomax taking place at that very moment that made me think of that long lost weekend.
The good news is that a full-house of competitors are making their own memories in north Wales as the Lomax is still one of the best trials in the calendar. 
Hope you all had a great Easter...

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