Lakes has it all this weekend...

By TMX Archives on 12th Oct 12


THE big trial this weekend is the National Lakes Two Day which will start as usual in the market town of Broughton in Furness with a full house 184 entries.


And the event goes back to the future with a return to something like the original opening day's route from back in the 1970s  which will take competitors over Corney Fell, taking in three subs at remote Windy Slack, followed by two five sub groups in Fell Green wood and Hinning House wood. 
The course then heads up on to the Bootle club's well known Fell Green venue for an off-road loop and five subs at the infamous rock gully Avalanche before returning via Buckbarow (eight sections in total here in the river and on the banks) and Kaiser Beck. 
There will be 20 sections morning and afternoon for a total of 40 for the day.
It is many years since this route was used and, thanks to the cooperation of the Bootle club, will add some real variety to  The Lakes which has been squeezed out of some of its traditional fell and moorland which has restricted the organisers in recent years.
The new Saturday route then allows the course markers to plan a more expansive Sunday loop with the pick of the sections - 45 in total - from the previous year's Saturday and Sunday route combined. 
The morning run will be out to the Duddon Valley making their way up to the always tricky Newfield sections and ending the morning's 25 sections at Jackson Ground.
Riders then go over the tops to make their way back to Broughton from Torver taking in another 20 section with five hazards on the wooded slopes of Soutersteads and another five at Station Hill to keep spectators entertained before signing-off with four subs at Wallenrigg.
There's no shortage of potential winners at The Lakes either although factory Gas Gas pilot Michael Brown should start as favourite to take The Hands Trophy which is the Premier Award.
But there's plenty of opposition, not least from from his Gas Gas team mates and National winners Dan Thorpe (with over 100 National victories to his name) Sam Haslam and Alexz Wigg will be pushing hard all the way.
Ian Austermuhle heads the Beta line-up and the talented east Yorkshireman could easily run out the winner, as indeed could Jotagas ace Ross Danby who has a British Championship round win to his name on the new Spanish challenger.
Richard Sadler is very likely Sherco's top chance but don't rule out local ace Darren Brice from pulling off a surprise.
There are too many handy Clubmen contenders to even hazard a guess at a winner - so we won't.
The scene is set for the most enjoyable Lakes for a long time for both riders and spectators alike.
Have a great weekend. 

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