Quad review of 2014
By Andy Foulkes on 30th Dec 14

The quad scene eased out of the recession in 2014, showing definite signs of growth across all race formats. Adding weight to the reviving quad scene claim, at a meeting with the International Dirt Bike Show organisers recently one of the main points that came out of the visitor survey at this years event at Stoneleigh Park was the demand for more quad exhibits in 2015.
That WILL happen – watch this space...
On the machine front Yamaha continues as the only active adult race machine manufacturer,
offering its YFZ450R alongside the
legendary YFM700R Raptor.
And the supply lines of youth market machines continues to develop in-line with the upsurge in demand from that important sector.
Will the other manufacturers re-join the sector?
For full story, see TMX issue 1952 (January 1, 2015)