That winning feeling at last
By Jonny Walker on 28th Feb 14

I AM feeling pretty pleased with things right now having just wrapped up the SuperEnduro World Championship at the final round in France and Im chuffed with how things have gone.
All year I was trying my hardest to win a race but it just wasn't happening.
But, thankfully, in France I finally did it.
Not only that, I also won my third consecutive Superpole qualification and secured third overall in the series.
It feels great to end the season on a high but I'm also a little bit disappointed.
It took until the second half of the season to turn my fortunes around but since round four in Mexico I've won Superpole – got those three extra important points each time – and never left the podium.
I almost wish there were another couple of rounds to go.
To be honest I'm not sure why things dramatically improved in the second half of the season. I suppose it was a collection of things coming together that sort of ‘clicked' into place.
Leading into the season I was just off the back of my toughest year ever and was still in Hard Enduro mode when we arrived to round one in Liverpool last November.
It also took longer than I expected to find my form on the 250 four-stroke.
But above all else I began to believe in what I was capable of more.
And at this level it's belief and confidence in your abilities that take you the extra mile.
Don't get me wrong though – I knew what I was good enough – but when your team-mate to a guy like Taddy Blazusiak it can be hard to step out from behind his shadow.
By winning Final #2 in France I finally showed to myself what I'm capable of.
Catching Taddy, passing him, and then crossing the finish line in first place was the major confidence boost I needed.
It's just a pity there are no more rounds left this year to try and do it again.
Now it's back into Hard Enduro mode.
Hell's Gate has just come and gone and for the third year I finished second.
In all truth I didn't expect to finish so far behind Graham Jarvis – but he was on top form and he's got that placed dialled.
He rode a brilliant race.
With SuperEnduro done I can give 100 per cent effort to Hard Enduro.
I learned a lot in Italy about where I can improve and with over a month to go until The Tough One hits Hawkstone Park I plan to come out swinging there.
Jonny #22