TMX Says: Counting down days to MXoN
By TMX Archives on 9th Aug 17

Colunists MXoN Matterley Basin
SO it seems that every country and their dogs are releasing news of official team line-ups ahead of the upcoming Motocross of Nations thatll be happening right here in the UK at Matterley Basin on the weekend of September 30/October 1 dont that date just roll right off the tongue?
While the French, Belgians, Italians, Kiwis, Irish, Canadians, Spanish and even Puerto Ricans have all made official announcements there's been no word on who'll be representing Team GB which isn't surprising considering that most of our heavy hitters are currently sat on the injury bench.
MXoN promoter Steve Dixon has said that he'd choose Max Anstie and Dean Wilson for the 450 berths and put Tommy Searle on a 250 for the event which would probably give us as good a chance of winning the Chamberlain Trophy as any. Of course, it's not his call to make and it's Mark Chamberlain who'll be selecting the final squad.
It's a real shame that our boys abroad have suffered with injuries this year as a fully-firing Team GB with a home crowd behind them could no doubt do some real damage. I'm not saying that they still can't as Anstie, Wilson, Searle and Simpson are all very capable of pulling it off.
Regardless of the final selection I know that the British fans will get right behind our chosen three and I'm getting goose bumps just thinking about how intense the atmosphere is gonna be inside Matterley Basin.
Apparently, Johnny Douglas Hamilton has freshened up the track and has added an extra loop, some new jumps, plus an all-new start area that means spectators will actually be able to see the gate drop! It's all very exciting stuff and I'm literally counting down the days.
Before that of course we've got the MX Nationals and Maxxis series to wrap up, the Vets MXdN and a round of the EnduroGP championship to enjoy.
It seems that big events are kinda like buses - you wait all summer for one to come along and then they all arrive at once...
And finally, although it's impossible to read each and every word of what's printed in TMX each week - especially last week as I was off sunning myself on the Costa del Conwy - as the editor I stand by everything that's written.
So when a mistake is made I'll happily own it and if an apology is due I'm more than man enough to make it.
In the July 27 issue - the one that went out before my holiday - a couple of mistakes were made and they were flagged up to me by a high ranking FIM official.
The first was that we ran a results panel for the EMX85 class after that class was removed from the schedule following Igor Cuharciuc's crash.
The second was a statement made in Youth Club saying that the crash involved 'other riders'. This wasn't the case and I'd like to apologise profusely to anyone we may have misled.