Trials shaken as Addingham closed
By TMX Archives on 27th Apr 07

THE land known to thousands of trials riders as a practice venue and known as Addingham Moorside', near Silsden, Yorkshire, has been closed to motorcycle use under planning law for the remainder of 2007 and riders are implored to stay away from the venue or risk losing it forever, not to mention risking land-owner Mr Fothergill being served with a prosecution notice and ensuing court action.
Addingham, as well as being one of the few places for club riders to enjoy a practise, has of course been the preferred venue for most of Britain's top trials riders in recent years with Dougie Lampkin, Steve Colley, Graham Jarvis, Martin Crosswaite, James Dabill, Shaun Morris and many more having honed their skills on the bleak, imposing rock outcrop.
This closure is, of course, a huge blow to northern-based trials riders and also to the Yeadon Guiseley club which uses the venue for the British Championship MacKenzie Trial, scheduled to run this year on Sunday, August 5.
Yeadon Guiesley has run many events at the venue, including the MacKenzie, and the instant closure has obviously caused consternation among club members regarding its British Championship round. The club was planning a special meeting on Wednesday of this week to discuss what can be done. T+MX understands that the club plans to appeal to the local authority for a one-day special case in order for them to run the MacKenzie but also in order to formulate a Plan B. If they can't run at Addingham then obviously a new home is needed for the British Championship event - for this year at least.
On this emotive subject, it has been brought to my attention that there has been some ill-advised posting on websites relating to this issue, with much of it pure speculation rather than based on facts. As emotive as the subject is, and many, many people are naturally upset at this action, the hard fact is that the venue has been closed under the 14-day planning rule - a law which applies to ALL land anywhere in Britain unless the land in question has been granted the appropriate planning permission.
Just in case anyone is in any doubt as to the reason for closure, the following letter from the Planning Office, at Keighley Town Hall, to landowner Mr Fothergill, is reproduced in full, explaining exactly why ‘Addingham Moorside' has been closed to motorcycles for the remainder of 2007.
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) Alleged unauthorised motor sports activities at land at Light Bank Lane, Silsden.
I refer to my letter of 28th February 2007 addressed to A & N Fothergill and Son, a copy of which I have enclosed.
You may well be aware that an enforcement notice was served in respect of the unauthorised motor sports activities and that such activities have continued after the due date of 9th January 2007 and exceeded the 14 days permitted in any one year.
I have visited the site recently and noted that nothing appears to have been done by A & N Fothergill & Son to curtail the unauthorised use, the continued use constitutes a criminal offence and the Council will now have no other alternative but to consider prosecution in the magistrates court. However, before taking such action I would like to give A & N Fothergill & Son one last opportunity to take the appropriate steps to ensure that all use ceases for the reminder of the calendar year. I would suggest that within 24 hours of receipt of this letter the gate giving access to the land is chained and locked and that a sign is erected to advise that the land is no longer available for use for motor sports for the reminder of the year and that the use ceases.
In 2008 you will be entitled to use the land for motorsports over any 14 days in that year and so on.
I hope that it will not be necessary for the Council to take further action.
T+MX will keep readers in touch of all subsequent legal action regarding the Addingham venue.
If a planning application is sought - we will be leading from the front!