Your TMX gets a full makeover

By TMX Archives on 6th Apr 12


Welcome to your new look TMX!


Since Trials and Motocross News first burst on to the scene  back in May 1977 – which is now a scary 35 years ago – there have of course been many, many changes, both in off-road  sport and in the publication.
Both have tended to evolve naturally over the years rather than have too many revolutionary changes. 
But, when you look at the original Trials & Motocross News and compare it with subsequent issues down the years you would be amazed at the difference in content and design. 
Time moves on and we all move along with it, so when the moment came to freshen up the look of the paper we decided to go through from front to back and see where we could improve the experience for our loyal band of readers – and hopefully bring the paper to the attention of some newbies as well.
We have introduced a team of exciting  new columnists in order to give you a taste of their personal world and indeed their view of the off-road world in general. Step forward Jack Sheppard, Johnny Walker, Stephen Sword and Olly Stone. 
That's a columnist each for trials, enduro and motocross while Olly is Jake Nicholls' mechanic and will keep you posted on his travels. These guys will take it in turn each week to keep you entertained.
This TMX Says column will do exactly what it says on a topical issue each week. 
Also new is what we think is a cracking column called "All About.” where each week we will print a snappy Q&A session with an off-road personality, that will hopefully let you know a little about that person. 
It won't always be a rider, we will feature all kinds of people involved in the sport, officials, marshals, team bosses, mechanics, spectators, maybe even YOU!
Getting the series under way has been ACU Chairman Brian Higgins, who sportingly agreed to be number one. The questions will be a mix of sporting and personal that will allow you to build a little picture of the person behind the name.
You will find in these early pages an all-new mix of news, and views – plus a weekly snapshot of what's going on online in our dirtZone social network. Having said all that we certainly won't be neglecting all your favourites that have been tried and tested down the years and the MX, Trials, Enduro, Youth, AMCA, Quad and Classic columns will continue to keep you informed about your own favourite off-road discipline.
So, without boring you any further – we just want you to continue to enjoy reading your favourite TMX which will continue to be the World's No.1 weekly off-road read!

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