Arenacross chat with the Watson brothers
By Team TMX on 21st Nov 12

Arenacross had a chat with a couple of the brightest young talents in the UK, brothers Nathan and Ben Watson. Both are hoping to shine indoors when the Arenacross series kicks off in the New Year.
They caught up with 18-year-old Evotech Stevens KTM rider Nathan and 15-year-old HM Plant Red Bull KTM pilot Ben to get their thoughts on the great indoors...
AXUK: What indoor experience have you got?
NW: "I've only ever done one British Supercross event and that was in Belfast - I rode my 125 in the youth MX2 class and won. We also did a few Supercross events in Holland on the 85s.”
BW: "I have done most of the Supercross events there have been but on an 85 so doing the Arenacross on a 250 will be new to me.”
AXUK: Will you change your training – in the gym and on the bike – to prepare for the AX series?
NW: "I will do more sprint training over stamina training as the Arenacross races are short and intense. On the bike I will try and ride jumpy tracks and do sprint laps instead of long motos.”
BW: "Not really in the gym but I will try and go to more jumpy tracks and tight tracks and do shorter times on the bike.”
AXUK: How do you think racing indoors differs from racing outside?
NW: "Indoor racing requires full concentration for the entire race as there is always something coming up on the track and it is quite tiring as the arenacross tracks never flow very well so it's hard work to get around.”
BW: "It's a lot different as the indoor tracks are much smaller and jumpy - most outdoor tracks don't have so many jumps and are way faster.”
AXUK: How important to the development of MX in this country do you feel it is to have a credible indoor series?
NW: "I think it's very important because if a rider wants to go all the way then they would race in the States and Supercross out there is huge so you must be able to do it.”
BW: "Motocross isn't massive in this country and if it wants to get bigger more of a variety of things need to come in such as Arenacross so I do think it is important and could help the sport.”
AXUK: What SX riders do you look up to?
NW: "I like Chad Reed - he has been up there at the top for so long and his style is so good.”
BW: "Justin Bogle - I love his style as he can scrub so good.”
AXUK: How do you rate your chances?
NW: "Not sure to be honest as I haven't done any indoor racing for years so I don't know what my speed will be like.”
BW: "I've done well in the past so I know I'm not bad at it but I've not raced indoors on a 250 so we will have to see.”