2010 Tough One Tickets
By TMX Archives on 16th Dec 09

The 2010 Tough One is set to be the strongest international line up ever ... definately not to be missed.
Thisyear the tickets are available before the event... a form is available in TMXthis week and the 2 weeks over Christmas
Download a ticketapplication NOW
Ticketsare priced for the vehicle this year at £100 per car with an allowance of 8people per vehicle. The price ofthese tickets goes up after 7th January by another £50 (50%) andthen again for any one turning up on the day a further £50 (100%).
Thisticket system offers the smart spectator a real bargain and tries to assure asmooth and safer car park area at the quarry.
Ticketsare limited and selling quickly to people literally ALL OVER the UK If you arethinking of going to watch the UK's Number ONE extreme enduro event MAKE SURE you getyour tickets sorted now and we will deliver them before Xmas ... perfect for aXmas present .