Back on it!
By TMX Archives on 6th Jun 03

to sleep virtually all last month, this month has certainly taken a turn and since I started back to work I haven't stopped. After Trentham it was straight out to Italy to start back on the machine. AFTER SEEMING to sleep virtually all last month, this month has certainly taken a turn and since I started back to work I haven't stopped. After Trentham it was straight out to Italy to start back on the machine. The good thing was that my mechanic had the chance to take me riding for the whole week as his other rider, Mario Rinaldi, was injured. This meant he could spend some time helping me get back up to speed.After riding for a few days I was getting faster and enjoying being more-or-less back to normal. Riding was going well and although I wasn't feeling too fit my confidence seemed to be coming back nicely.So after a full week's practice it was off to France to meet up with Knighter and the rest of the team. Like I've said before, racing in countries like France just gives you the biggest buzz as you never know what they might throw into the works. This year was no different with five tests per lap and a natural extreme test that was similar to a club trials course. The event was awesome! Winning day one was a great way to return back to the world enduro championship scene. Being injury-free definitely makes a difference and I can now ride more like myself again and not like Doc Wobbly (sorry Doc, didn't mean it to sound like that). Anyway you get the gist and, like I said, winning was a great feeling and I need more of that. But the second day wasn't so good and finishing sixth wasn't what I'd planned. After slipping off on the first test I never managed to get the time back and with the class being so competitive you have to be on top of your game. But overall it wasn't a bad weekend and I'm glad to be back mixing it with the lads.With the event over it was back to team base. I travelled back with Knighter in the Manx Funbus with plenty of Dukes Of Hazard style driving from Knighter Arikarla. You see, me and Knighter were watching the Dukes Of Hazard videos for the whole two weeks and wouldn't allow anyone in the camper while we watched this all-time classic. Great viewing - and it kept McConnell out of the van and from eating all the food. After spending some time at the team base (and relaxing in the local pizza house) it was time to head up to Brescia and round five of the WEC.Arriving at the race, we were greeted with some seriously hot and humid weather. I was still feeling pretty tired from France so decided not to ride in the week to give my body time to recover. I just drank plenty of fluids over the next few days and kept busy by walking the five tests. The tests looked good and again the extreme test was more like a trials section from the SSDT than an enduro.With all the boring stuff out of the way it was time to get back to business and get on board the UFO Yamaha. After the first lap I had to get the mechanics to put the flywheel weight back on as she was a bit of a handful on the rocks but after three minute's work they'd finished and transformed the little baby into a smooth machine. I ended the day third which wasn't too bad as the leader Rickard Larrson was riding in a class of his own. I was unable to catch him and realised that getting good points is now more important for me than riding over my head.Day two and a similar result. Fourth in class isn't much to jump up and down about but I collected some points and, more importantly, no injuries. After the race we loaded up our practice machines and headed off to the boat and back home. I arrived just in time to rush straight to Tong Hall to prepare for the second Fast Eddy and scarf some fish and chips. Yorkshire fish and chips are #1 and before I'd done any work I'd already had two portions.On a whole there were no real problems with the event and a mudhole near the start seemed to be the perfect spectator viewing point. The different ways in which the hole was attacked was great to see and it gave the boys with balls a real chance to shine. And one bloke who certainly shone was Sheriff Knighter who took the money again.I'm off to Finland next and then Sweden before I come back for the Fast Eddy at Culham. These things should keep me busy...Finally I have to end this month's column on a sad note. The loss of friend and racer David Jefferies is tragic and after hearing the news from Knighter I was shocked and saddened to learn of this great loss to the sport. My respect goes out to Big Dave and his family. RIP - you'll be missed by all.Fast Eddy