Bikesport Dead!

By TMX Archives on 16th Jan 06


Supercross promoters Future West have pulled the plug on their Bikesport Live event - a three-day fest of two-wheeled action scheduled to run from January 13-15 at the Cardiff Millennium Stadium.The decision to cancel was made after disappointing Supercross promoters Future West have pulled the plug on their Bikesport Live event - a three-day fest of two-wheeled action scheduled to run from January 13-15 at the Cardiff Millennium Stadium.The decision to cancel was made after disappointing ticket sales for Future West's December SX at the Welsh venue.'After seven days of painful consideration it is with deep regret that Bikesport Live has been cancelled,' states a Future West press release. 'A dramatic drop in attendance at Cardiff has seriously compromised the financial viability of a second motorcycle sports event at the Millennium Stadium so soon after the December 3 event.'Bikesport Live was to have been an all-singing, all-dancing motorcycle extravaganza with a bike show - along the lines of Stoneleigh's Dirt Bike Show - coupled with two nights of supercross and one night of freestyle with a sprinkling of road race action thrown in for good measure.Future West clearly blame the ACU for the failure of their event. 'This drop in spectator attendance can only be attributed to the cancellation of the ACU supercross championship which falsely claimed to be the official British supercross championship,' continues the press release. 'The supercross fiasco aided and abetted by the ACU's failed attempt to take control has without doubt in our minds set the progress of supercross back in the UK considerably.'

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