Branston 5th August 2007
By TMX Archives on 30th Jul 07

After checking the weather reports it looks like the sun will be smiling on Burton-on-Trent for round 6 of the 125 IMBA. But even in the unlikely event that the weather reporters have got it wrong, Burntwood club will not be cancelling.
Even if your not entered to ride it will be worth the journeyup the A38 to Branston. Not only Round 6 of the 125 IMBA its also Round 6 ofthe AMCA National Open Championship.
A vintage motorcycle exhibition will be on display Saturdayafternoon, as well as clothing company Broken Board who are bringing the latestofferings from the likes of Onfire, O'Neil and Mambo to name a few.
Motocross retailers such as JW Racing and Dakar rally proDerick Edmondson of Edmondson Racing will be bringing the latest bikes andequipment for all to see.
But that's not all! A huge marquee is booked along with abar and disco which will be open Saturday and Sunday. A quiet' drink will beavailable on Friday night as well.
Various alterations have been made to the track since lastyears IMBA round, the lay-out of which can be seen online at Here you can also check up on the latestnews and time table of events.
With all the top armature riders from across Europeattending, off road sports photography experts Foto-X will be on hand tocapture all the action throughout the day. All riders will be able to buy theresnap shots on the day, or buy online direct from Foto-X
Camping is available both Friday and Saturday night pricedat just 5 per vehicle per night. With entry costs at 7 for adults and 2 forconcessions.
We look forward to seeing you all there for what promises tobe a spectacular weekend.
Nina Payne
Burntwood Barracudas