By TMX Archives on 20th Dec 07

Future West Promotions have moved the final round of the ACU British Supercross Championship to the brand new state of the art The O2 arena nestled inside the huge Millennium Dome in London. Originally planned for Wembley Arena on March 1st the event now moves to The O2 arena on February 23, 2008. The move from the scheduled Wembley Arena comes after a clash with the annual Hawkstone International event after the Hawkstone event changed its date.
"It has been a lot of work to move the date andvenue but The O2 facility is second to none. I was amazed when Ivisited The O2 for the first time. The arena is first class withfeatures we have never seen in an arena. The O2 arena has more seatswhich is a good thing as the last event we held in London back in '99at Earls Court was packed to the rafters with 10,000 plus spectators."says Future West's John Hellam.
The O2 will have approximately the same amount of seats as Earls Court.Outside the arena you will still be under the huge tent which has beentransformed into an entertainment area. Entertainment Avenue,encircling the arena features numerous restaurants and bars plus amulti-plex cinema with 11 screens as well as an exhibition hall whichis hosting the Tutankhamun Pharaoh exhibition. Everything is inside outof the weather under the huge dome. The O2 has its own subway and busstation plus access to central London by boat with acres of parking andeasily accessible from the M25. If that's not enough the whole complexsits right next door to the David Beckham Football Academy.
Tickets for the final round of the Future West ACU British SupercrossChampionship will be available in the next few weeks, please stay tunedto for more details. Rounds 2 and 3 of the series are setfor the brand new Liverpool Echo Arena on the 25th and 26th of January.Tickets for Liverpool are available through the Liverpool Echo Arenabox office on 0844 8000 400
Future West ACU British Supercross Championship set for Liverpool.
Over the last decade or so the Future West BritishSupercross Championship has touched down in Britains largest cities andmost of the countrys premier venues, bringing Supercross to mostregions of the nation. Liverpool with it's rich sporting history wouldhave been a natural destination for Supercross except for the factthere was nowhere suitable to hold an indoor event of this size, notuntil now that is.
On January 25th and 26th the newly constructedLiverpool Echo Arena will come to life with the long awaited sound andsights of motorcycle racing known as Supercross. If you have notvisited the musical capital in a few years you are in for a bigsurprise. The rejuvenation of the former Albert and Kings dock areainto one of the hottest tourist destinations in the country is nothingshort of amazing as is the the new waterside arena and conventioncenter - home to this milestone event. Anyone who has attended aSupercross event already knows there is something for everyone young orold from dancing girls to bike giveaways to light shows to getting anautograph from the international star riders, not to mention brushingshoulders with a soap star or two. Every seat in the house is a goodone you can see everything from any seat in the place no mud, no rain,no cold weather to worry about it's civilized, civilized that is untilthe riders take to the track when all civility evaporates in the heatof the battle for the chequered flag where national championships and alot of money is at stake.
Unlike most British Supercross events Liverpoolwill be a two night affair catering for the many who plan to make amini holiday of the weekend with lots of other day time and lateevening activities including visiting some of the nearby musicalattractions, pubs, restaurants and hotels that are plentiful aroundthis tourist haven. You can even take a ride on a amphibious tour craftwhich will take you on land and sea, actually it's just around theharbour and through the city streets. After the races are overLiverpool's night life and its legendary musical venues will be juststarting to rock. For ticket info call the Liverpool Echo Arena boxoffice 0844 8000 400 or visit