By TMX Archives on 12th Dec 03

So what was it that made the '03 show so exciting? Was it the dancing girls? Was it all the new bikes? Was it the minibike racing? Was it Mr Daniels on the Fro Systems stand? Well, they all played a part in making me want to linger a little So what was it that made the '03 show so exciting? Was it the dancing girls? Was it all the new bikes? Was it the minibike racing? Was it Mr Daniels on the Fro Systems stand? Well, they all played a part in making me want to linger a little longer but what clinched it for me, what kept me away from t'nipper for two whole nights and three long days, can be best summed up in two words. Ross Sturmey!Oh yes, the man who spends most weekdays on his knees (he's a carpet fitter) and most weekends taking Thorpey to the ropes in South West Centre meetings, decided to have a few days off from his humdrum existence to dress up as a bulldog and parade around Stoneleigh to promote the '04 British GP on the Isle of White. And, in the immortal words of Brucey, didn't he do well! Just like Britney, he was born to make you happy...Obviously, it helped that he was doing it for such a worthy cause. And it's heartening to see that not only are they running a GP, they're actually going all-out on promotion for an event that's still more than five months away. Doing the job properly in other words - and if that means getting Rosco to dress up in a bulldog suit then good for them.Incidentally, there's a competition running to win tickets to the GP - all you need to do is hook up to and come up with a name for the British GP bulldog. Here and now I'm launching a bid to get the mascot named Rosco in honour of the Sturminator and I urge all readers to support me in this worthy cause...The week before Expo I found myself rising at an unearthly hour and pointing the company Caddy south on the M6...destination Rugby. My dear old dad spent the best part of his 20 years at the helm of T+MX giving the ACU a good (and more often than not justified) shoeing, so when I got an invite to attend interviews for the new intake at their MX Academy I thought the time was right to show there wasn't a Sicilian-style family feud thing going on.So I managed to get my sorry arse to Rugby for 10am where I joined Dave Luscombe, Sonia Goggin, Robbie Herring and Little Suzi Mewes. The winds of change have been blowing through the ACU for a few years now (I suspect the lack of ammo was what forced Papa Bill to finally retire) and the whole selection process was very impressive. Dave's the top dog at the academy but he listened to a 'mere rider' (note heavy use of irony) - Robbie - in a way that would've been unthinkable given the old-look ACU's Eastern Bloc method of governing.It was a bloody tough job to decide the eight successful applicants but the lads who eventually got the nod were Tom Fish, Thomas Matthews, Allan Keet, Ashley Greedy, Aaron Smith, Alex Rockwell, Tommy Searle and Richard Lawson with an extra place being offered to Jamie Law. Well done lads - and hard luck to anyone who didn't make it through...Okay, that's it for another month and another year (I know it says January on the cover but we don't recognise the Gregorian calendar at dbr) so have a great Christmas and a prosperous New Year blah, blah, blah...PS For an added touch of festive cheer, here's a shot of my mate's nipper Leo enjoying his PeeWee in the Icelandic snow.PPS Vote Rosco!