Comment (July)
By TMX Archives on 6th Jun 03

After last year's pain-fest I'd vowed never again - the endless stretches of deep volcanic sand, evil lumps of lava and whooped-out straights were a new experience back in '02 so I had an excuse. After last year's pain-fest I'd vowed never again - the endless stretches of deep volcanic sand, evil lumps of lava and whooped-out straights were a new experience back in '02 so I had an excuse. But this year? Rank stupidity is my only defence.But let's be honest, everyone who rides dirtbikes has to have a fine vein of masochism running through them. To the uninitiated it's hard to explain - you like riding bikes so it's got to be fun all the way. Right? Wrong! I'm not going to start dusting off my mystic crystal and turning all New Age on you but the ancient Chinese philosophers had it dialled in with all that Yin and Yang stuff. Ice and fire, love and hate, good and evil...basically, you need the bad times to appreciate the good ones. Although anyone trying to tell me that while I was almost puking into my helmet would've found their words of wisdom falling on deaf ears - but more of that in next month's mag...Closer to home, it's nice to know I'm not the only one who appears to be getting older and dafter. Sutty, at the grand old age of 27, managed to get himself knocked off his BMX by a bus as he skidded and wheelied his way to work - the wrong way down a one-way street! Thankfully (well it did happen the day before deadline) he's okay but the bus is in a bit of a state.Even closer to home, I'm encountering a little bit of marital arsiness over the impending arrival of Lawless Jnr. We were hoping to know by now if kiddie #1 was going to be a little baby fella or a little baby lady but the latest - and final - scan proved inconclusive so the great name debate is still being waged. Personally, by the way the baby's mouth was moving non-stop when we got a close-up on the head (plus the fact that it was awkward enough to be lying the wrong way to determine the sex), I reckon it's female. Which would be great because we've agreed on a girl's name. But if it's a boy then there's real trouble brewing because Deb has told me no way will a son of her's be called Trampas.