Corsham are MCF

By TMX Archives on 28th Sep 12


Corsham SSC is the latest high-profile club to sign up to the MC Federation.


The Bristol-based club was formed in 1967 and has always been affiliated to the BSMA. 
However, in recent weeks the decision was made to make the switch to the MCF.
"We have made a lot of friends at the BSMA and had great fun, but we felt in the interests of the club more could be offered to our members by switching to the MCF,” explained Corsham director, Andy Hicken. 
"We are looking forward to running our last three 2012 club championship events under the MCF banner.”
Corsham SSC regularly attracts 200 riders for events and prides itself on listening to its members, investing in club facilities and organising first-class meetings at first-class venues.
"Corsham SSC is run by a great team, which I believe is a big factor in the success of the club,” added Andy. 
"Our aim is to provide affordable racing at good tracks with a great no-marshalling family experience.”
MCF general manager, Roy Barton said: "I have been talking to members of the club for some time and the committee feel the time is right to make the switch to ensure the future of the club. 
"We will be working as hard as ever to make sure it is a smooth transition, creating as little disruption to the committee and riders as possible.
"The speed at which Corsham wanted to change was a shock but everything will be in place in time. 
"With the MCF growing every year Corsham will be a welcome addition to the Elite Youth League and part of the new plans to be announced for 2013.”
Members will not have to pay MCF day licence fees for Corsham's remaining club championship rounds.

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