Dakar Rallye cancelled!
By Mannix Devlin on 4th Jan 08

THE world famous Dakar Rallye scheduled to start from Lisbon, Portugal, on January 5, and run through a number of African countries to the capital of Senegal on January 20 has been cancelled by the organisers following discussions with various departments of the French government.
Below is the announcement issued by the event organisers ASO, on Friday afternoon, January 4: "After different exchanges with the French government in particularthe Ministry for Foreign Affairs and based on their firmrecommendations, the organisers of the Dakar have taken the decision tocancel the 2008 edition of the rallye, scheduled from January the 5thto the 20th of between Lisbon and Senegal's capital. "Based on the current international political tensionand the murder of four French tourists on December 24 linked to abranch of Al-Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb, but also and mainly the directthreats launched directly against the race by terrorist organisations,no other decision but the cancellation of the sporting event could betaken by ASO. "ASO's first responsibility is to guarantee thesafety of all: that of the populations in the countries visited, of theamateur and professional competitors, of the technical assistancepersonnel, of the journalists, partners and rally collaborators. ASOtherefore reaffirms that the choice of security is not, has never beenand will never be a subject of compromise at the heart of the Dakarrally. "ASO condemns the terrorist menace that annihilates ayear of hard work, engagement and passion for all the participants andthe different actors of the world's biggest off-road rally. Aware ofthe huge frustration, especially in Portugal, Morocco, Mauritania andSenegal, and beyond the general disappointment and the huge economicalconsequences in terms of direct and indirect repercussions for thecountries visited, ASO will continue to defend the major values ofgreat sporting events and will carry on its engagement for a durabledevelopment through the Actions Dakar, started five-years ago insub-Saharan Africa with SOS Sahel International. "The Dakar Rallye is a symbol and nothing can destroysymbols. The cancellation of the 2008 edition does not endanger thefuture of the Dakar. "To offer, for 2009 a new adventure to all theoff-road rally passionate is a challenge that ASO will take on in themonths to come, faithful to its engagement and its passion for sports." |