Double Bonus!
By TMX Archives on 12th Oct 05

Words by Paul Edmondson Photo by Ray ChussWhat a month! I've managed to win Weston and I got back on the two-stroke for the six days and podiumed the E2 class. Words by Paul Edmondson Photo by Ray ChussWhat a month! I've managed to win Weston and I got back on the two-stroke for the six days and podiumed the E2 class.But before I start banging on about my incredible form, first of all I have to congratulate the big man David Knight on winning the ISDE outright - a great achievement. And also a big well done to all the other members of our team who put in great performances.While on the subject of the ISDE I must say it was probably one of the best ones I've ever done - no road work, all off-road and great special tests. The only downside was it didn't rain enough! After starting off the week in my usual way, slow but sure, I managed to run about seventh in class.One of my big problems was that I was the first E2 rider on all of the tests and ended up grass-cutting the way for the rest of the class. But that all changed on day five when the heavens opened and we had ourselves a mud race.Although it was only for one day, it gave me a great boost to beat the likes of Aro and Merriman by one minute over only four special tests. This put me right back up into the top of the class and helped me get another podium finish and gold medal.As most people are aware, at the end of the six days they have the usual motocross race - something that every rider looks forward to racing. For myself it's always a buzz being on the startline with all the other top riders trying to show everyone who's the boss! Anyway, after holeshotting the race and leading for a couple of laps the rear brake went off and my tongue started wagging and I ended up finishing third - a very respectable result as this meant I was fourth in the whole event.All-in-all a great event, great team spirit and well done to all the helpers!Next stop was Culham Fast Eddy where I decided to have a weekend off to let the old bones heal themselves from the ISDE. With me not riding I let Simon Wakely loose on my 250 two-stroke to see how he would cope against the big boys. After running with the lads for nearly half the race a few small problems dropped him back to finish fourth but I was more than happy with the kid's result - to run the pace that Whibs and Voase were running was impressive. So the event went down well with a longer course and no injuries - roll on next season!Now something that has eluded me for my whole career is winning Weston Beach Race but I can now finally say I've achieved it with some serious help from the following people - Pete, Swiss and the Lings crew were without a doubt a big part of my victory and I have got to thank them for their support.The race itself went pretty smooth and after an hour I was running in second, not too far behind Brad Anderson. After some rapid pit stops I regained the lead and with plenty of support managed to pull off one of my biggest victories to date. Seeing all the people cheering me on made me proud to be a racer so thanks to all those people out there and I will be back next year to try and win again.I'm busy right now with my preparations for 2006. I've been working in the shop and getting a programme together which will see me full-time again on the 250 two-stroke.Okay, that's all for the moment - see you at the shows.