Fighting Fund!
By TMX Archives on 13th May 05

As more and more events fall victim to the DEFRA ruling that makes farmland hosting motorsports ineligible for the Single Payment Scheme EU grant, a Fighting Fund has been set up by off-road pressure group LARA.The first donation - for 1000 - has As more and more events fall victim to the DEFRA ruling that makes farmland hosting motorsports ineligible for the Single Payment Scheme EU grant, a Fighting Fund has been set up by off-road pressure group LARA.The first donation - for 1000 - has already been received from Renthal and was instantly matched with another 1000 from Johnston Press, parent company of dbr, TMX and trialsworld magazine.And for every 10,000 paid into the fund - up to a maximum of 50,000 - Johnston Press will add another 1000 to the coffers.The money will be used to fund a legal challenge, co-ordinated by LARA, to the DEFRA ruling. But with the cost of hiring top-notch legal representation even higher than calling out an emergency plumber at midnight on a Bank Holiday this will not be cheap.Clubs, individuals, the ACU, the AMCA, the MCIA, trials importers - everyone, in fact, with a vested interest in seeing the future off-road sport in this country being secured - must dig deep to support the fighting fund.You can make your donation by sending a cheque - payable to LARA Fighting Fund - to LARA at PO Box 142, Newcastle-upon-Tyne NE3 5YP. If you'd rather donate online you can do so at premium rate information line has also been set up on 09061 961234. Costing 1.50 per minute, a substantial proportion of the cost of each call will go to the fund.