Filmmaker and presenter wanted
By TMX Archives on 11th May 10
Red Bull Reporter is a nationwide search to find the best young music & culture, and sports writers, filmmakers, photographers and presenters, giving them the chance of a lifetime: to use their skills and indulge their passions as a Red Bull Reporter.
The most talented young media makers could be selected for one of ourmany exciting assignments - each designed to give them an amazingexperience as a working member of the media - covering world-classsports, cutting-edge music and innovative culture events. What's more,Red Bull events happen all over the world and we'll be dispatching RedBull Reporters out there to cover them!
To enter, budding writers, photographers, filmmakers and presentersupload the best examples for consideration by site users, and the RedBull Editorial Team.
If selected, a Red Bull Reporter could find themselves travelling onassignment to exciting events in the UK and overseas; or be introducedto an incredible cultural opinion leader, or high profile athlete.Following their assignment, each Red Bull Reporter's content will beshowcased to the world.
A brand new assignment opportunity is now live searching for anaspiring filmmaker and presenter to accompany the Red Bull KTM UK Teamat the Red Bull Elite Youth Cup at Canada Heights on the 16th May thisyear.
They'll get to head track-side to watch the motocross series that givesyoung talents from all over the UK the possibility to come up againsttomorrow's motocross stars. The dirt rats compete in four agecategories, each with a different type of bike. Check out the dedicatedassignment page for full information on the assignment:
So if you love the smell of 2stroke and the sound of engines all youneed to do to apply is head to, sign up andsubmit examples of your work and tag them with "Red Bull Elite YouthCup” to be in the running. Good luck!
Our sister Dirt Bike Rider Magazine has partnered up with Red Bull Reporter onthe Elite Youth Cup assignment so we'll be showcasing the video reportproduced at the event exclusively on the DBR website – sokeep your eyes peeled!