By TMX Archives on 15th Aug 07

The recent Foot and Mouth outbreak, centred in Surrey, has had far-reaching consequences regarding off-road sport and a number of events have been cancelled, some at the request of landowners and others by clubs showing sympathy and understanding for the farmers and landowners.
Although restrictions on the movement of farmanimals have been eased, they are still being very strictly controlledand ALL farms have been instructed to follow top-level bio-security.Competitors are advised to check that any event they have entered isstill on before travelling.
This weekend's (August 11 and 12) East Kent TrialsClub's National Youth A&B and National Youth C&D rounds havebeen switched from the original venue at Sanfield Farm, Cowden, to analternative venue just a few miles distant at Hourne Farm, Crowborough.
The following is a list of events that T+MX hasbeen informed that have been cancelled. If your club has cancelled anevent because of Foot and Mouth please e-mail us brief details and wewill add it to the list:-
August 18: Wetherby & DMC. Club Trials Champs at Clockensyke Farm, Dacre, nr Harrogate. CANCELLED
August 19: Builth Wells MC Ltd. Sammy Miller Champs Frank Jones Trial,at Red Lion Inn, Llanafantfawr, Builth Wells, Powys. CANCELLED.
August 19: Bootle SC. Novogar Champs Presidents Trial, at Fell Green, Bootle, Cumbria. CANCELLED
August 25: Ripon MC Ltd. Club Trials Series, at Fir Tree Farm, Grewelthorpe, nr Ripon. CANCELLED
August 27: Langrish MCRC. International Ken Hall Trophy Motocross, at Manor Farm, Langrish, Hants. CANCELLED