Fourth and fifth for Team HRC in Assen

By Team TMX on 30th Aug 15


Frenchman Gautier Paulin finished todays MXGP of the Netherlands in fourth place overall just ahead of teammate Evgeny Bobryshev

In the first race, the Team HRC pairing spent most of the 30minutes running together. By midway round the first lap, Bobby was in second and Gautier third, and just five minutes in, Bobby took the lead with the No.21 rider following him through to make a Honda 1-2. As a battle with Shaun Simpson, the top three were shaken up and the flag dropped with Gautier second and Bobby third, both having been strongly in contention for the victory.

Race two got off to a similar start for Bobby as he powered his way into the top three from the start, and then with stunning pace on Assen's soft sand moved himself into the lead on the opening lap and built himself a cushion of over eight seconds. Gautier didn't enjoy as good a start and, having been close to the edge in the first corner melee, found himself in thirteenth.

As the race unfolded, the Team HRC pairing found themselves closer together though, as Gautier climbed through the field to an eventual fourth, whilst Bobby was left ruing a couple of mistakes and a crash that robbed him of a race he surely could have won and demoted him to fifth at the flag.

Twenty five thousand fans turned out to watch the spectacle that is MXGP today for the inaugural MXGP of the Netherlands in Assen. They filled the grandstands of the TT Circuit to witness how 250,000m3 of sand had transformed the road racing circuit into a world-class motocross track.

The MXGP of the Netherlands was also the final European round of the 2015 MXGP season, and now only two Grands Prix remain – a back-to-back pairing of overseas races in Mexico and the USA in two weeks.

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