French Fancies
By TMX Archives on 14th Jun 07

THERE were several intercontinental visitors in France.
Former World 125cc champion Bob Moore had comeover from America with James Dobb to discuss the possibilities facingTommy Searle for 2008. ''The decision about his future will be madeentirely by Tommy,'' insisted Dobb. ''It is our job to put all of theinformation in front of him. I believe it is in his interest to go toAmerica as early as possible to learn. He can always come back like Idid and win a world title. But I stress that Tommy will decide whetherhe wants to race in America or Europe next year.''
Chris Pourcel's US manager Russell Stratton wasalso present after attending MotoGP at Mugello one week earlier, andreported that the French teenager has already made a big impact on theUS scene from his SX appearances at the start of the year: ''There is aranking list in the States which indicates public awareness andacceptance, and Chris is already number eight.''
For full story see T+MX NEWS, Friday, June 15, 2007.