GP NEWS: Max Anstie Interview

By Infront Moto Racing on 5th Sep 15


DRT Kawasaki rider Max Anstie was looking a good bet to close down the points lead of Pauls Jonass and Tim Gajser going into Assen last weekend, however a crash, some bike issues and a strong performance by Gajser means that winning the 2015 MX2 championship will be really tough now for the British rider.


With two rounds remaining and 100 points to gain anything can happen and probably will. We caught up with Anstie for a couple of minutes and asked him about his weekend.

Q: How do you feel after the weekend?

Anstie: You know I am happy with my performance. I got the best out of what I was given in both races, but we could have turned some things around. But we have had some decent weekends where everything went smooth and it can't always run like that. I am a bit (gutted) because I knew I would be strong here and it is just a shame things went the way they did. You need to look at the times when things were right, I did my work and did the business. I feel like I am growing each week.

Q: It has been a nice couple of months for you hasn't it?

Anstie: I think looking back on the last couple of months myself and the team we made some big steps and it allowed me to focus on myself and my riding. Unfortunately in Assen we seemed to have some issues, we made some steps forward and some steps back. I needed to nurse the bike home and even in the second one it was making some funny noises.

Q: You crashed in that first moto, that moment must have been pretty disappointing as you held a strong second place?

Anstie: I went down in the first one, but I knew straight away something wasn't right and whether that was a result of pushing it too hard because of the issues. That's racing and it's pretty cool to come away with a second place overall, because I didn't think I was going to get on the box. Nice place, cool to be here, a novelty race and nice for the fans. I have a race next weekend, then Mexico and Glen Helen.

Q: Of course it's not over yet.

Anstie: You know, it is difficult we lost a lot of points this year, and I will do my job and ride the bike as fast as I can go. We head to Mexico, and we could have some issues there with altitude, it's difficult and I told my boys to get on it and make sure it is running good there. If it is working well, then we can have some good races. I just want to have that and it's all I can do. I have lost a lot of points in previous races with DNFs and stuff like that.

Q: Glen Helen should be fun for you?

Anstie: I can't wait to get to Glen Helen, I did my GP in 2010 and I did it on a Yamaha for Star Racing team and also my first professional race was there in 2009, so that's pretty cool.

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