Herlings' looking strong for 2016
By Sean Lawless on 3rd Feb 16

Jeffrey Herlings was looking fit and well at Alghero.
"I'm ready for the season to start this year,” said the Dutchman.
"I've been back on a bike for two months and have no after-effects of my injuries.”
The two-time champ also spoke enthusiastically about Joel Smets.
"I feel really comfortable with Joel and we do things like cycling together with the other KTM riders.
"I've been with KTM for seven years but this is the first time I have really felt that we are a team.”
Glenn Coldenhoff already knows the benefits of working with Smets as they were together last year at Suzuki. The slender Dutchman is racing the SX450 KTM.
"I never even rode the 350,” he said.
"I already had one year on a 450 and I won Latvia and it was clear for both the team and myself from the word go that I would ride the 450.”
Glenn has spent several weeks in Rome.
"I will go home for a couple of days after round two of the series next week before I return for Ottobiano. After that I will be based in Holland but I know that I only need to hop on a plane if we ever have to test something
or the weather is bad at home.”