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By TMX Archives on 14th Sep 05

Honorary Brit Josh Coppins apart, our best bet for a podium was always going to come in the MX2 division and Billy Mac certainly did the business in the opening moto. Honorary Brit Josh Coppins apart, our best bet for a podium was always going to come in the MX2 division and Billy Mac certainly did the business in the opening moto. It all went pear-shaped for him in race two but, luckily, we had Carl Nunn there to make it onto the podium in third overall.But while both Billy and Carl have had solid - and at times sensational - seasons, 2005 has turned into a bit of a nightmare for Stephen Sword. A strong favourite for the MX2 world title at the start of the year, Swordy was just getting into his stride when a practice crash in France signalled an early end to his championship challenge.Coming into Gore Basin Stevie had a chance to salvage something from the season but - as seems to so often be the way - when Lady Luck's not on your side it can all go tits-up at any moment. And it did for Swordy who came away with just two points for 19th in race one. Follow that up with a disaster in Lierop where he reinjured his wrist and Swordy's back in ninth in the championship table while Antonio Cairoli's sewn-up the title.But in a twisted kind of way, what's been bad news for Swordy has been good news for the British MX des Nations team selectors. It's a thankless task picking the national team and with Swordy fit and on form they'd be looking at picking a three-man team from four strong contenders. As it is they've gone for the sensible Nunny, Billy Mac and James Noble option - as Robbie Herring says, the team picked itself.Over in the States they've had their own fair share of MXdN controversy with original 125cc pilot Mike Brown dumped in favour of the in-form Ivan Tedesco. When they originally unveiled their team, the weak link in the US chain was Brownie so it's a smart move by the AMA. It can only be a good thing for the sport that America is now involved with the Motocross des Nations again - but let's keep our fingers crossed they don't win!It's also Trial des Nations time and, yet again, Spain start as favourites. Led by new world champ Adam Raga they'll be a tough team to beat but Dougie, Graham, Sam and Shaun will doing their bit for Blighty and with a little bit of luck we could give the Spaniards a run for their money.By the time this issue of dbr hits the shelves the other big international team event - the ISDE - will be halfway through. Our six-man Trophy Team - led by David Knight and Paul Edmondson - will have been scrapping it out in Slovakia for three days and, hopefully, they'll be bringing home plenty of gold medals.So good luck to all our teams - and let's not forget our buddies just over the Irish Sea. Here's hoping for some good news next month...