Hutty feeds the Hungry!
By TMX Archives on 1st Feb 07

BY common consent, the 2007 Talmag Trophy Trial presented a more challenging test to the large entry than the 2006 event. Sections had been tightened and new hazards introduced in a determined effort to extract marks from the 280-plus entry who faced the starter for two laps of 15 sections at Hungry Hill, Aldershot, last Sunday.
With classes A, B and C tackling the same route, and classes D, E and F riding the easier variations, it was important to find the winner out on the course, not at that old faithful, the special test.
But some things never change, since it must be difficult to plan to defeat Len Hutty at his best and last Sunday he certainly was just that.
Many times a Talmag winner, Len notched up another victory with a clean sheet and superior special test time. Alongside him, and also clean on the day, were veteran John Kendall and young Kevin Nolan but they couldn't match Hutty's speed on the test. The test was also used to determine the winners of class D and class E.
Talmag Trophy Trial Hungry Hill, Aldershot
Territorial Army (London) MCC
Class A – Under 300cc: Kevin Nolan (250 BSA) clean (ST 26.55 secs), Gary Marshman (200 Triumph Cub) 6 marks lost, Shane Stalker (250 BSA) 9.
Class B – Tele-rigid Over 300cc: Clive Dopson (500 Norton) 10, Steve Scott (500 Triumph) 12, Matthew Neale (350 Douglas) 26.
Class C – Over 300cc (with rear suspension): 1 Len Hutty (410 Matchless) clean (ST 23.83 secs), John Kendall (350 Triumph) clean (ST 26.93 secs), Neil Gaunt (500 Ariel) 1, Danny Stalker (410 AJS) 2, Roger Higgs (500 Ariel) 3, Joel Corroy (F - 350 Ariel) 4.
Class D – Clubman Over 300cc: Gary Higgs (350 AJS) 1 (ST 30.48 secs), Graham Jones (350 Ariel) 1 (ST 31.95 secs), R Ayres (350 Enfield) 2.
Class E – Girder Fork: Ben Penny (500 Vincent) clean (ST 24.11 secs), John Merrett (500 New Imperial) clean (ST 28.73 secs), Danny Briggs (350 AJS) 5.
Class F – Sidecar: Mark Hancock/ Aaron Jacobs (500 Triumph) 11, Mark Kemp/ Bob Chapman (500 Ariel) 12, Alan and Kelly Hornsby (500 Triumph) 45.
For full report, results and pictures see T+MX NEWS, Friday, February 2, 2007