In Memory of Kev
By Team TMX on 26th Aug 15

Endurolands tribute to Kev Bull, the Gumbull Moped Race, captured the pure essence of racing recently as a rag-tag selection of mopeds and even more ragged crew of riders took part in this fantastic tribute to raise money for the Macmillan Cancer charity.
Kev, a very well known character in the sport of Enduro, passed away earlier this year and the race was organised both as a tribute to Kev and a fund-raiser for Macmillan.
Kev's son Andrew walked the tests at the Tarenig BEC then drove to compete in this 30 minute race, which proved to be one of the most entertaining for many a year.
Ash Bowden took the win but it didn't really matter who won, it was a terrific tribute to a great guy and hopefully this was the first of an annual series of events.
With machines costing as much as a decent pair of Enduro rims, it was affordable and fun and many minutes had been spent preparing the bikes, which ranged from ancient Honda C90's (held together by the graphics) to modern day small wheel scooters.
Not a knobbly tyre in sight as the competitors slithered their way around the Chacombe venue following a day of rain showers, the track didn't need markers, riders just followed the trail of moped parts left scattered around the course.
Full marks to Andrew Bull and especially the Boam boys, their diesel injection systems proved to be innovative.
Forget electric power, diesel - its the future!
This was a brilliant event, which raised nearly £500 for a very worthy charity.
Well done Boss Man, when is the next one?