KTM MX1 double with Barragan and Nagl

By TMX Archives on 21st Jul 08


KTM rider Jonathan Barragan of Team Silver Action and Red Bull KTM factory rider Max Nagl rounded off a near perfect day for KTM at Nelstpruit South Africa snatching the top two overall places in the MX1 GP

The two riders onboard the KTM machines duplicated the MX2 GP results making thetrip to the Southern Hemisphere well worthwhile for the Austrian manufacturer.

KTMs triumph in South African races

Barragan of Spain scoreda 3-1 result while Nagl netted 4-2. The German factory rider led the first raceuntil the last 10 minutes when he was overtaken by Steve Ramon and several otherriders and had to settle for fourth. Determined to make good his promise to beon the podium he led again in the second race before he was challenged for thelead in the final stages by fellow KTM rider Barragan. For the Spaniard it washis second victory after Sweden in the last round.

GP victory abirthday present for Barragan

 "I'm very happy with the overallvictory," Barragan said. "The track was fast and there were good lines. Ialready had a good feeling yesterday and I knew I had a good speed. The trackwas easy to ride and I hope to be able to continue this good success that I havehad in Sweden and here when we race in Lommel." The Spaniard celebrated hisbirthday on Saturday and said the victory was the best present he could givehimself.

Nagl on podium

"We did a pretty good job today,"Nagl said after the race. "I got the holeshot in both heats but it was a bitdusty in the second heat and the visibility was bad when the sun started to godown. No we will now train in sand to get ready for the races in Lommel."

 "Max was in good form the whole weekend," said KTM team boss Stefan Everts."We already saw on Saturday that he was very fast. He was a bit nervous in thefirst heat but this is still a learning year for him. He got the holeshot in thesecond heat but in the end, Jonathan was pushing really hard."  

Nelspruit, in the north east corner of South Africa offered a soft, butnot sandy surface and a track that offered a whole range of challenges for theriders set in the picturesque Crocodile River Valley, a venue and atmospherevery different to the next GP in Lommel, Belgium.


Overall MX1 GPresults

1. Jonathan Barragan, Spain, KTM

2. Max Nagl,Germany, KTM

3. Steve Ramon, Belgium, Suzuki

4. David Philippaerts,Italy, Yamaha

5. Sebastien Pourcel, France, Kawasaki

Other KTM

11 Markus Schiffer, Germany, KTM

16. James Noble, Britain, KTM


Championship standings

1. David Philippaerts, Italy, 339

2. Steve Ramon, Belgium, 328

3. Josh Coppins, New Zealand, 316

4.Ken de Dycker, Belgium, 296

5. Jonathan Barragan, Spain, KTM, 284

7. MaxNagl, Germany, KTM, 253

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