MXGP Rnd 7 Brampton, Cumbria – Sunday 12th August
By G2F on 13th Aug 07

De Dycker and Brown deliver a CAS Honda whitewash at Brampton. Maxxis ACU British Motocross Championship 2007.
CAS Honda riders won all four main championship races, as Britain's premiermotocross series returned to Cumbria after a long absence. Reigning MX1 championKen De Dycker and his American team mate Mike Brown dominated the proceedings atBrampton, which formed the penultimate round of the 2007 Maxxis ACU BritishMotocross Championship to set up a thrilling finale that will be played out atPontrilias on Saturday 15th September.
De Dycker confirmed his liking for the undulating sandy circuit just a fewmiles away from the city of Carlisle, with a blistering qualifying lap that wasover two seconds faster than any of his rivals. A very comfortable start tofinish race win in the opening MX1 moto reinforced the tall Belgian's sheerspeed. In contrast current championship leader Billy MacKenzie De GrootKawasaki had to battle through the field to secure the last podium place after apoor start. MacKenzie actually moved into second place for a short while, beforebeing charged down by Brad Anderson Pioneer Yamaha who was more than worthy ofhis runners up position.
Race two saw De Dycker once again take the victory from the front, leavingMacKenzie to finish in second and lose further points to his main championshiprival. The factory Kawasaki rider, who will join the CAS squad in 2008, now onlya mere eight point lead over De Dycker with one round and two very importantraces remaining. Anderson, who took third place in the second moto, and thirdoverall now moves to third in the series just a single point ahead of JamesNoble Multitek Honda, and will also have to wait to mid September to see if hecan grab the number three plate.
Although Brown was a full second and a half slower than Searle in timedtraining, the highly experienced American proved his true pedigree with aconvincing gate to flag victory in the first MX2 encounter. Whilst Brown wasdictating the pace at the head of the pack, Searle was faced with the dauntingtask of having to cut his way through the field after getting caught up in afirst turn incident. Despite his best efforts Searle could not manage any higherthan fourth spot on the very rutted circuit. Jason Dougan Forkrent Suzuki andAshley Greedy PAR Honda took second and third places respectively, aftercoming under great pressure from Searle.
Brown made another good start in the second moto, but was soon caught bySeale, with the teenager delivering a strong block pass on his elder rival totake charge of the race. For several laps it looked like Brown had settled for asafe second place to preserve his series lead, but was soon to be rewarded forhis constant pressure as Searle made an unforced error to gift him the lead onceagain. There was no way back for Searle as he crossed the line seven secondsbehind Brown, to go to the final round twelve points behind the Honda rider.
In the MXY2 youth class, it was Lewis King Team Green Kawasaki who took tophonours on the day to move two points ahead of Graeme Iriwn - KTM in the overallstandings, with just one more round to ride. Previous series leader AlexRockwell RDH Pro Circuit Honda lost valuable ground with a DNF in the secondmoto.
The final round of the series takes place at Howton Court,Pontrilias on Saturday 15th September 2007, please visit the all new officialchampionship website - - for further details.
MX1 Moto One: 1: De Dycker 2: Anderson 3: MacKenzie 4: Smith 5:Bradshaw
MX1 Moto Two: 1: De Dycker 2: MacKenzie 3: Anderson 4: Noble 5: Smith
MX1 Overall: 1: De Dycker 60 2: MacKenzie 52 3: Anderson 52
Championship to date: 1: Mackenzie 342 2: De Dycker 334 3: Anderson292
MX2 Moto One: 1: Brown 2: Dougan 3: Greedy 4: Searle 5: Church
MX2 Moto Two: 1: Brown 2: Searle 3: Nunn 4: Swanepoel 5: Dougan
MX2 Overall: 1: Brown 60 2: Searle 50 3: Dougan 48
Championship to date: 1: Brown 328 2: Searle 316 3: Swanepoel 305