New Product: Rocktape

By Team TMX on 3rd Sep 14


If youre an avid off-road rider its likely that you have suffered with niggling injuries, arm-pump or those nasty hand tears that come from being hard on the gas... Sound familiar? Then heres a product that could be just for you!

Rocktape is no ordinary athletic tape, it is engineered to mimic the human skin. This stretchiness is the secret behind the tape that stretches up to 180 per cent of its original length but has amazing ‘snap-back' or recovery and gives Rocktape its performance advantage over other tapes.
With a variety of benefits, Rocktape can be used in several ways. When the product is applied with little or no stretch on the tape but lots of stretch on the tissue it causes the skin to wrinkle. This creates a bio-mechanical lifting mechanism that decompresses the tissue just under the skin. It is believed that this decompression and having tape on our skin creates three main effects...
Fluid Effect: By causing decompression the tape promotes a more normal fluid dynamic in the taped area. Swelling is better able to flow out of the area, taking with it toxins which result from inflammation and injury. Also blood has less resistance to enter the area bringing with it more oxygen and nutrients vital for healing and recovery.
Mechanical Effect: As pressure on the vertical layer cake of tissue between skin and bone is reduced more normal slide and glide mechanics between the layers of tissue is restored. It is likely that this mechanism can make someone who can only bend as far as their knees touch their toes!
Neurological Effect: A lot of pain generated by movement or muscle contraction is generated by nerve endings in the space between the skin and muscle. As tape decompresses this space there is less pressure on these nerve endings so is reduced or stopped completely at its source. Having elastic tape stuck to your skin is also believed to stimulate receptors within the skin called Mechanoreceptors. These receptors play a part in our movement awareness, or what therapists call Proprioception. Many therapists believe that one of the main effects of applying Rocktape is to improve our Proprioception, which can both decrease pain and improve the way we move.
When Rocktape is applied with more stretch it can be used to support areas where tissue has been strained, torn, weakened or lengthened. By adding more elastic recoil to the taped area, functional stability and tissue ‘snapback' are enhanced.
And because Rocktape is designed to be extra tacky, water-resistant and last up to five days, you can tape up those hands and prevent tears from stopping you enjoying your dirt scooting!
For more information visit or call them on 01206 615 464
Union Jack roll 5cm x 5cm costs - £13.50

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