Number 1!
By TMX Archives on 17th Mar 03

I'm also going to participate in - and hopefully win - the Italian championship so that will also be high on the priority list. But for now it's just a case of getting everything in order and 2002 cleaned up both bikewise and on the Fast Eddy front which, at the moment, is virtually done. Bikewise everything is now sorted and I will be ready to announce all in January - even the UK stuff I plan on doing. On to the UK stuff and I can say now that I will definitely do the final two rounds of the Fast Eddy series - Tong Hall and Hawkstone - against David Knight where hopefully we should give the crowd some great three-hour racing. His level at these events now is incredible but I'm sure I can give him a run for his money, sorry, my money! Anyway, enough of that and on to some other stuff. I read with interest some recent comments in another magazine regarding top British enduro riders past and present. Yep, it's quite amazing to think that someone can actually write such statements - especially when they don't even come to the events. Okay, so I'm not included either in the past or present categories so maybe my nose is a little out of joint - I guess having only won four world titles and 11 ISDE gold medals means I'm just no match for those other British enduro riders who've won more! Slagging off riders or even new machinery is okay - freedom of speech and all that - but making cheap digs doesn't cut it with me. So, when I win next season and they've run out of bikes to test, they can then take their little mag and shove it where the sun don't shine (yes, you where I mean). So carry on falling out with riders and manufacturers and write what you want as this is my motivation for next year - as Doc Wob would say, "trust me man, when Ed's fired up he's sooo fast!" Maybe some of you are wondering why I've got myself so wound-up but I've worked my ass off to win those titles and medals - and so have my mechanics, teams, family and friends - and I'm not having anyone insult me via a half-pint shandy magazine written by someone who can't even ride a bike. Well, now that's off my chest I can carry on with this month's column. Everything is dropping nicely into place for next year's Fast Eddy races - we'll be having four rounds and one non-championship event at Sweet Lamb in Wales where there will be a hillclimb on the Saturday and a Fast Eddy on the Sunday. Going back to four events will allow both us and the riders a chance to have the odd weekend off as this season has been too much. Also, the indoor enduro will now be shelved until the end of '03 or start of '04 as not even big T can find us a venue. So sorry for firing you all up - but we'll definitely do one soon. Next year's Fast Eddy events will see some different things happening on the Saturday and for Tong Hall a local club are planning to run a trial on the Saturday afternoon. Speaking of different stuff, I've been away for the last two weeks testing. It's real exciting stuff and I'll give you the full run down next month and tell you all the final details. But for now that's all - it's time to wish you all a great Christmas and New Year and get on with some serious stuff. Yep, that's right, breakfast...