On the chair scene
By TMX Archives on 24th Sep 10

By winning the Maxxis British Sidecar-cross championship at Wattisfield Hall on Sunday, Luke Peters has now become the passenger with the most championship wins (six) to his name as well as the greatest number of race wins in the championship, writes Chris Helm. Driver Stuart Brown has won eight titles but still needs two more toequal Chris Etheridge's total of ten. He still needs another 16 motowins to equal Etheridge's total of race wins.
The major national championships in Europe are now completed.
Over in Holland Etienne Bax/ Ben Van den Bogaart have won the title withCarlo and Tom Van Duynhoven finishing second.
Previous champion, Daniel Willemsen, only contested a few rounds of theDurch series as he was contracted to ride in the Ukraine championshipinstead.
The German championship was won by the Belgian team of Peter Steegmans/Sven Verbrugge who beat previous multi-champions, Marko Happich/ MartinBetschart, by just a single point.
The French championship was an altogether easier affair for Baptiste andJulien Bigand who secured the national crown with one round remaining.
At the ‘secret' riders meeting held on the Saturday evening of theRudersberg GP, FIM official, Johan Peter Ribbink, announced that in 2011there are likely to be at least five GPs in the old ‘Eastern Bloc.'
With only four GP in that area this season, there were only nine teamswho were able to afford the time and/ or the cost of such extensivetravelling.
With at least one more GP likely in 2011, how many teams will be able tocompete in every round next year? Perhaps it is time for the CMS toreview its policy on the allocation of GPs.
We all appreciate it's a World championship, but it must be affordableas well.
After last year's fiasco at the championship presentations at the GermanGP in Rudersberg when two members of the press were told by a member ofthe CMS that they were not allowed to donate gold silver and bronzemedals for presentation to the top three teams in the championship, theybrought along their own medals this time.
Maybe FIM officialdom has now realised how daft it looked bringing thetop three crews onto the stage, shaking their hands and then lettingthem go with nothing to show for their efforts.