Princey recovery
By TMX Archives on 14th Apr 03

Former Brit champ out of hospital NEIL PRINCE, badly injured in this huge crash at the Brit champs opener at Canada Heights, is out of hospital and staging a speedy recovery from the serious liver and kidney damage he sustained. Neil, the '94 British 125cc champ, went down hard in the opening eighth-litre moto when his CAS Honda seized on take-off – while he had it pinned in fourth gear. "I heard it detonating on the first lap but thought it would probably just blow up in a corner or something – I never expected it to let go where it did," says Neil, who's now back home after three weeks in hospital. "I guess I'm pretty lucky really – it's my first big injury in 25 years of racing. I'm feeling a bit better now I'm out of hospital and my liver and right kidney are healing – but I've still got some fluid around my lungs and that makes it hard to breathe. At one point I looked like I was pregnant – then they drained four litres of blood from around my stomach. "I'm still going to race supercross but I reckon it's a good time to knock the outdoors stuff on the head. My main job's to look after Gordy, Jussi and Yoshi and I can't do that from hospital – can I?"