Rabbit's ruin!
By TMX Archives on 9th Feb 04

THE ALLY Pally show, some SX practice and a quick trip to Italy pretty much sums up what I've been doing this past month. THE ALLY Pally show, some SX practice and a quick trip to Italy pretty much sums up what I've been doing this past month. Oh, and I've also spent some time in hospital as well...but I was just visiting!Y'see, Rob Wrayford - aka the Fast Bunny - is not so fast at the moment after breaking his foot at Ally Pally. The Rabbit crashed his minibike and ended up having his foot plated and screwed - I'm sure we all wish him well and hope for a speedy recovery, well as speedy as possible seeing as he's looking at six weeks in plaster.I've started riding a lot as part of my final preparations for the coming season so I've been pretty busy tearing up and down the country and calling in at the indoor tracks at Weston and SIMX. They're both great circuits and provided a good work-out for me.So why all the indoor practice? Well, I don't know if you've heard but the people at Weston SX Arena are organising an indoor enduro on the last weekend in March. It should be great for off-road in the UK and, more importantly, a whole load of fun.My New Zealand rider Paul Whibley's finally arrived over here after nearly 24 hours flying time. So I collected him from Heathrow and took him to his new home - The Midlands! Okay, it's not exactly NZ but at least it's a nice central base for him...well, that's what I keep telling him anyway.While I was over in Italy I managed to cram in a little bit of riding. It was good to see my old mechanic and team as we got on pretty well last season. So we unloaded the red beast and I went out riding with Bartoz the mad Pole. It's funny, every time I go out with a top rider all they seem to want to do is race me which can be okay - but not necessarily when you've been behind the wheel of a van all day and don't feel like going flat-out.Anyway, I've also managed to get out riding with Knighter Boy after returning from Italy - seeing him whip the 525 is, how can I put it, a bit different! We managed to kill a good few hours at SIMX and it was great fun - see, I may be knocking on a bit but I still get the same buzz from riding as I did back in the day.Okay, I've not got anything else to report this month - I'm heading back to Ally Pally for the remaining five days of demos and may even call in on the Rabbit to see how he's getting on. Now, if I can only find somewhere to buy some grapes...Fast EddyPS Remember, you can check-out the latest team news by logging onto my website at www.fasteddyracing.com