Reality check!
By TMX Archives on 7th Jan 05

Paul hooks up with a new team rider as he prepares to come out fighting in '05 Back to reality again! As one season finishes another one starts - it doesn't seem like five minutes since I stopped riding but once again I'm back in the saddle preparing for yet another campaign. I've started a weekly training session consisting of three mornings in the gym and two days on the bike and just took delivery of a CRF250 four-stroke to start practising on for the new season. During the off-season (one whole month!) the team signed Spanish rider Arnau Vilanova for the E2 class in the WEC. The team will have a new name and we can now officially call ourselves Honda Racing Fast Eddy Par Homes as without the support from Par we wouldn't have been able to help as many riders as we are. I feel that we have a great group of lads who are all keen to ride and all I'll have to do during the season is worry about myself as they all understand that it's important that I try to win again for the team. I just started riding last week at a sand track with my brother Lee who seems to be adapting to the Honda very well. I can honestly say the CR125 has surprised the hell out of me and the other riders as to how much stronger they've made the engine. I also think the 250F has a lot better engine than last year - and that's not just my opinion, everyone else I've spoken to agrees with me. My plan for the month of January will be to ride as much as possible and prepare for an indoor race in Italy as well as 10 days training in Spain with the young members of my team and Arnau. After that we will be back to the UK to get ready for the Breckland. Priority for us is still the UK stuff and I'm really pleased to see the British enduro champs and Fast Eddy series going to five rounds each. I'm not sure at the moment if I'll be competing in a full season of Fast Eddy races or whether I will be helping organise again - I'll just have to wait and see. However, one thing I am sure about is my involvement with Innovate Moto Sport who will be running off-road days at Donington Park. Their plan is to do corporate days and enduro schools and also we'll be having a Fast Eddy race there as well. I think their plans and involvement in the sport is essential and we could do with more people like them. We've just started preparing Hawkstone for the first Fast Eddy and you will all be pleased to know that we've had some machines there to grade the woods. Personally, I love it rough but I know most of you like it smooth - anyway, I'm sure it will be a good event and we'll be going back there for the last round in September. All events will also be only one day and I believe the organisation are still working to run a few other events to include clubman and quads. That's pretty much it at the moment other than I will be riding as much as possible and even should be going to see Knighter on the Island for a few days practice. See you next month...