Ride like Lampkin
By TMX Archives on 7th Jan 05

The schools will run from on August 1-5 with each day strictly limited to 20 riders who will follow a carefully structured programme designed to ensure everyone gets the most out of the minimum four hours on-the-bike training. The schools will run from on August 1-5 with each day strictly limited to 20 riders who will follow a carefully structured programme designed to ensure everyone gets the most out of the minimum four hours on-the-bike training. On top of riding instruction, advice will also be given on bike maintenance, competition strategy and physical training.Each day will be a separate school although pupils have the option of booking the following day if they wish to return to learn more advanced skills (limited to a maximum two days per rider). The venue has yet to be confirmed but it will be near Silsden, West Yorkshire.Cost is 149.95 per rider per day. This includes insurance.For more info and bookings contact G2F at 7 All Saints, Orrell Street, Bury BL8 1PF (tel 0161 763 6660/fax 0161 763 6663) or fire off an email to jakemiller@g2f.co.uk