Searle and Rattray a great 1-2 in South Africa

By TMX Archives on 20th Jul 08


In what is now effectively a two-man KTM race for the MX2 world championship title, Tommy Searle came out on top in the GP at Nelspruit, South Africa while local hero Tyla Rattray placed second.

The two KTM riders performed well and Tyla was treated to a great show fosupport from local South African fans.

Great team result

Tommy put in a superb and victorious first race butTyla crashed and had toattack from the back for his third place. The second race then became the fullfocus of Red Bull KTM Factory Team's local boy and he made few mistakes. Thebanners read "Go Go Rattray" and he did. Like Searle in race one, Rattrayimmediately took control of the race right from the startand amassed enough ofa lead to be able to cruise home in the final lap, waving to the crowd. Hecrossed the line, punching the air with his fist to the joyous cheers of hisSouth African compatriots and a sea of national flags.

Searle ridestwo superb races

Searle rode two great races and garnered praise fromteam boss Stefan Everts who said he "was very consistent and showed character"."I had a pretty good feeling this weekend," the British teenager said. "I'm verysatisfied with the results of the GP today. I had a good start in the first racebut I took the first corner too wide. Even so I managed to win by 11 seconds. Ididn't have such a good start in the second heat and I didn't really get thesame rhythm as in the first but the result was important for the championship.It's a nice track, full of jumps and I enjoyed it."

Rattray retainsred number plate

While Tyla was denied the overall victory by just acouple of points, he does retain the coveted red number plate as thechampionship leader, some compensation for standing on the second step on thepodium. "It was not so bad today," Tyla said. I had quite a good start in thefirst heat but I made a mistake and crashed. I could have done better in thatone. But then I took the holeshot in the second and I led throughout the race."Tyla also paid tribute to his fans and the support they gave him.

Goncalves disappointed in day's performance

Rui Goncalves,the third factory rider in the Red Bull KTM team was luckless in South Africa.He said he felt sorry that he had put in a disappointing performance. "I cannotfind an excuse for my bad day and that I wasn't able to do better today. I willgo to Lommel and do everything to give my best." Goncalves, who has beensuffering from flu, finished in 14th place.

Title race now betweentwo KTM heroes

Searle and Rattray went into the GP as two of threeriders vying for the title and came out in the knowledge that it was probablygoing to be decided between the two Red Bull KTM team members. Arch rivalAntonio Cairoli, the 2007 title holder had to retire from both races after aknee injury and it now remains to be seen if he will be able to start in thenext GP in Belgium's Lommel. Everts extended his sympathy to Cairoli and wisheshim a good recovery and a return to racing. "Its tough but we know from our ownexperience that these tings happen in racing," he said.

MX2 GPOverall results

1. Tommy Searle, Britain, KTM

2. TylaRattray, South Africa, KTM

3. Nicolas Aubin, France, Yamaha

4.Steven Frossard, France, Kawasaki

5. Shaun Simpson, Britain, KTM

Other KTM

7. Jeremy van Horebeek, Belgium, KTM

14. RuiGoncalves, Portugal, KTM

15. Jeremy Tarroux, France, KTM

16. AnthonyBoissiere, France, KTM


1. Tyla Rattray, SouthAfrica, KTM, 416

2. Tommy Searle, Britain, KTM, 395

3.Antonio Cairoli, Italy, 357

4. Shaun Simpson, Britain, KTM 287

5.Nicolas Aubin, France243

Other KTM

6. Rui Goncalves, Portugal,KTM

8. Jeremy van Horebeek, Belgium, KTM 197

13. Anthony Boissiere,France, KTM158

14. Jeremy Tarroux, France, 140

17. Joel Roelants,Belgium, 99

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