Second helpings!
By TMX Archives on 8th Jun 05

By the time this issue of dbr hits the shelves the British GP at Matchams will be done and dusted. By the time this issue of dbr hits the shelves the British GP at Matchams will be done and dusted. But if you missed it don't stress - there's always the British GP Mk2 at Gore Basin on the Isle of Wight on August 27/28.The company behind this year's GP - 4E Promotions - are planning to make it the best event on the world championship calendar."Things are going great," says 4E Promotions' Mark Chamberlain. "We have a superb line-up of live music, kids' entertainment, adult entertainment, display areas and much more."With almost all of the operational side in place we can start to focus on the promotional and entertainment side."Johnnie (Douglas Hamilton] will start work on the track six weeks before the event as it onlyrequires minor changes from last year. The track preparation is what we want to concentrate on, with the soil being so good at Gore Basin it will cut up like a US National track if we get it right."Special deals on advance tickets are available online at the event website - - and you can also book through 4E Promotions on 01444 880110.Wightlink, the Isle of Wight Ferries company, are sponsoring the GP and are offering discounted ferry crossings to fans attending the races.For more information on ferries visit or call 0870 528 7744 and state that you are travelling to the GP to obtain discountedferry rates. Youthstream have confirmed that the Grand Prix of Ireland will go ahead as planned on September 17 at Desertmartin despite rumours to the contrary.