Simply red for Raga
By TMX Archives on 9th Nov 07

THE Gerona-based Gas Gas factory stole the show in its home town last Thursday evening when it wheeled-out a prototype Raga Replica' at the Gerona Indoor Trial, round three of the 2007 Spanish Indoor Championship and, in front of a full-house of vociferous spectators, a rampant Adam Raga gave the bike a winning debut.
He stormed to victory ahead of arch-rival Toni Bou on the four-stroke Repsol Montesa - and Raga now leads the series outright!
Raga'sprototype sported a brand-new red-painted frame, constructed in thevery latest spec, round-section, chrom-moly steel tube which factoryinsiders claim is considerably lighter than the current oval-sectionchassis yet is even stronger.
There's no question that it moved even Gas Gas's obsessive leaner -lighter goalposts. T+MX has known of the prototype for some time and itis known that Raga tested extensively before unleashing the red-framedmodel in Gerona - with such effect.
The remainder of the machine is exactly as Adam has used this year asthe frame is virtually a straight-swap for the current PRO chassis.This, of course, means Raga's factory tuned 300cc two-stroke engine,suspension, carbon-fibre airbox plus his exhaust with titanium frontpipe, alloy middle box and now a carbon-fibre rear box.
There is every sign now that, after having been dominated in both the2007 World Indoor and Outdoor series by Bou and the factory four-strokeRepsol-Montesa, Raga's confidence is returning with a vengeance.
Adam currently leads both the 2007 Spanish Indoor and Outdoor seriesfrom Bou and on current form is in-line to win both. This is a terrificboost for both Raga and the tiny Catalan Gas Gas factory who is bothdisplaying an enormous enthusiasm and sheer will to win.
The logical move from a production angle, although this has not beenconfirmed, is that this new frame will become the basis of the nextRaga Replica before becoming the standard model the year after.
Gas Gas and the two-stroke strike back...