Speedway stylee!
By TMX Archives on 14th Aug 03

see a change of direction ahead for this washed-up MX racer. Now I've found a motorcycle sport that suits my profile perfectly. When I say profile I of course mean my ever-expanding belly - not so much six-pack as family-pack. I CAN see a change of direction ahead for this washed-up MX racer. Now I've found a motorcycle sport that suits my profile perfectly. When I say profile I of course mean my ever-expanding belly - not so much six-pack as family-pack. It's escalating in size so fast I found myself in Mothercare the other day checking out maternity clothes.If, like me, you cannot find the time for a window in your busy social diary to get to the gym and the only time you run is when someone's husband has knocked off early, then speedway's where it's at for you! Four laps, no more than a minute long with no bumps or rutted jumps - ideal for this particular physical wreck. But there is one drawback as with everything good that you stumble across in life and this one is kind of scary. 0-60 mph in a few seconds with no ******g brakes. Jesus, I crash at half that speed with brakes, I mean what the hell got me into doing this? At the time of being asked it seemed like a cool thing to do but when I got there and saw two pros get crushed between their bikes and the wooden fencing I started to have second thoughts.This golden opportunity came about because of the ACU centenary week on the Isle of Wight and I was asked way back if I'd do it. I was all cocky at the time and was still acting cool-as-ice minutes before. Lucky my balloon knot doesn't have a panic alarm or anyone within a five-mile radius would've heard it. My clipper muscle was on full tension!The good thing about this whole gig was that I had company so it wasn't up to me alone to fly the MX flag. The idea of the centenary week was to form teams of two from each motorcycle discipline - trials, enduro, MX and speedway - and then have a go at each other's two-wheeled heaven. It was left up to me to find a partner for this mixed bag of motorcycle treats. Obviously, it was only for fun and not to be taken too serious but that went on the back-burner when I found out there was a prize purse waiting for the winners.After going over a list of possible team-mates in my head - most of which were injured or had GP duty that week - I came up with two possible candidates. So I got on the blower to Spain for my first choice. Totti Eastwood was well up for it, the deal was practically done, then right at the 11th hour he pulled out of the game. Turns out the boy is camera shy and as soon as I mentioned our shortcomings were gonna be on Sky Sports he wimped it like a little schoolgirl. No wonder he's moved south to warmer climes - he feels more comfortable in his dresses! It turned out that the TV coverage took a dive anyway but by then it was too late for Totti.So after I was left at the alter I was forced to turn to my only other possible partner. Rosco! I'd gone from the cool, calculated, energy-efficient style of Scott Eastwood to the leg-trailing, rodeo style of The Sturminator (yes, that's what he calls himself these days). I knew that saddling up with Rosco could either be monumental or just plain mental. One thing's for sure, the lad doesn't shun confrontation - well on a bike at least. Luke Kennent and Darren 'Fuzzer' Caws, the island's resident MXers, certainly knew that as they'd both raced with The Sturminator before.Luckily, being his team-mate meant I didn't have to get out there and mix it up with him. Tension slowly built up all evening as we were waiting to enter the coliseum that is Smallbrook stadium. We'd all arrived early under the illusion we'd be out sliding around before the crowds showed up. Not so! Unbeknown to us, we were one of the main attractions. I could see the fear of making an arse of oneself in everyone else's eyes except, of course, one pair of peepers. I knew right there and then that Rosco was either going home victorious or in an ambulance.Our moment had finally arrived. I was in the first heat with just Fuzzer as the trials and enduro boys failed to roll up behind the tapes. I looked across at him on the line and could tell he wanted it - and I wasn't gonna argue as I was off to the US a week later and didn't want to miss that. Regardless, it was a brilliant experience, even if we did look like Streethawk going around the corners bolt upright.With my second place scorecard it was up to Rosco to take victory in the second moto to give us the overall. Luke used the force as much as he could but after one of the most terrifyingly entertaining races you'll ever likely to witness, The Sturminator did the business...Jeffro