SSDT entries open
By TMX Archives on 19th Oct 07

IT'S that time of year again - it feels like the Scottish Six Day Trial (SSDT) is only just over, but the organisation for the next trial is already well underway!
The 2008 event runs from Monday, May 5, toSaturday, May 10, with the Pre-65 event taking place on the precedingFriday and Saturday, May 2/3.
The Pre-65 is unmissable for any vintage trials fan - not only does ithave a fantastic display of bikes in a phenomenal setting, it usuallygets two full days of sunshine too, so get your holidays booked now!
On Sunday, May 4, the SSDT takes over Fort William, kicking off thetrial with a parade of all 275 participants in the main event throughthe town and finishing in the Parc Ferme, where the bikes are lockedaway for the night in preparation for the hard week ahead.
From Monday to Saturday each rider completes around 90-miles per day,taking in 30-sections and all sorts of weather fronts. It's a real testof man and machine, and to complete the event is something that everytrials rider strives to achieve.
If you want to be part of it all, then get yourself an entry form!
October marks the opening of the entries for the 2008 event and entryforms are now available. They can be downloaded from the SSDT website - or can be obtained by sending a stamped addressedenvelope to SSDT Entries, PO Box 28797, Edinburgh EH14 7WS.
All entries must be with the Entries Secretary by Friday, December 7.
No late entries will be accepted, so it's advisable to get your form in sooner rather than later!