SSDT update - Day three

By John Dickinson on 7th May 15


Being 'stung' for eight marks on time and dropping 11 marks behind trial leader Sam Haslam on a rainswept Tuesday, that saw just eight riders finish within the time limit, was much worse than waving a red flag at a bull for Dougie Lampkin.

Dougie went out and attacked the sections with such venom that a sole clean sheet for the day's 30 sections for the Vertigo rider was absolutely inevitable. That there were only 10 scores in single figures for the day and that he turned that deficite into a two mark leading advantage says it all.
The third day was the polar opposite of Tuesday with virtual day-long sunshine replacing driving rain and instead of a barely achieveable time schedule riders were handed an extra half hour time for the day which at least meant that there was plenty of time at night for some much needed machine maintenance in parc ferme. 
A completely new route, taking riders down to Appin, near Oban, was a pleasant change and the clubmen appreciated the easier going although the sections were still challenging.
With Sam Haslam and Gary Macdonald both recording disappointing double figure losses it was Yorkshire's Richard Sadler, on Beta this year, who slid into a challenging second spot on Wednesday evening having dropped just four on the day. This was the day's third best effort as Doug's Vertigo team mate James Dabill eased home for just a dab as he did his best to make good Tuesday's disaster. With Gas Gas mounted Gmac holding third, Sherco's James Fry kept his excellent week on track with another steady day of six and still right in touch in a close fourth overall..
Today, Thursday, will see the return of the old favourite route down Glencoe taking in hazards at Chairlift and Ba House before the long moorland haul round Rannoch moor to the final sections above Spean Bridge at Fersit. The top boys and girls will breeze round but it's a long way for the clubmen...
SSDT 2015 Provisional Daily ResultsNo  Rider                     Total--- ------------211   Dougie  Lampkin           15267   Richard Sadler            17118   Gary Macdonald            18245   James Fry                 19144   Sam Haslam                19281   Guy Kendrew               23236   Ben Hemingway             26212   James Lampkin             33280   Thomas Hick               33106   Jack Sheppard             3581    James Dabill              36246   Jonathan Richardson       3622    Sam Connor                38187   Joe Baker                 39114   Andy Chilton              39180   Adam Norris               40168   Dan Thorpe                42248   Alexz Wigg                43

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