SX n' R&R
By TMX Archives on 11th Nov 03

IN PREPARATION for the supercross at the Odyssey I visited the two new indoor SX tracks with a view to getting both my machine and myself ready to do battle. IN PREPARATION for the supercross at the Odyssey I visited the two new indoor SX tracks with a view to getting both my machine and myself ready to do battle. SIMX was my first port of call and Andy the track owner was a gem - he even let me have the use of the entire facility on my own. Maybe he was worried that I'd knock down some of his punters.The track was great and the machine was the dog's. It's been set-up by Josh Coppins and his spanner man Fabio who definitely knows his stuff when it comes to setting up a bike for supercross.Steve Peat, the world downhill mountain bike champ, was there - he's a good bloke and we had a laugh but I knew to hang out with him for any longer could result in a party so as I ran away towards my van we agreed to meet up again sometime.The next morning I headed down to the SYSX facility - the circuit here is a lot more technical and is ideal training for UK supercross. Jordan Rose has had a big part in the design and layout of the track which is superb.Boy did I have some fun on the way home. The alternator started to die and for those of you who aren't aware this isn't a good thing - it can ruin your whole day. Firstly the stereo died, then the windscreen wipers, then the speedometer stopped working and next to go was the engine management system - luckily I had a spare battery.We got some strange looks as we arrived at the ferry with jump leads coming out of the van window and under the bonnet. When anyone asked I just told them that it was my new super-woofer speaker leads.I couldn't believe how relaxed and stress-free I felt leading up to the Odyssey races. In years gone by I've been nervous and uptight about racing in front of my home crowd. The track was better than last year - a lot of criticism was levelled at the whoop section (so much that it was changed for the Saturday racing) but personally I though it was the way it should be.Last year I had to race my ass off on the Saturday night after making a crap start. I was trying to make up time but the track was so easy that everyone was going the same speed. This year the track had a few different lines and a whoop section that if ridden correctly you could make up time but, on the other hand, if you lost your rhythm there was little room for error.I gated about fifth in the Friday night final and it took me a few laps to get my rhythm going. Jordan Rose was going fast but he was making a few mistakes through the whoops. Once I got in the lead I made a break from the pack. I was really relaxed, enjoying the track and as I said - the bike was awesome.A lot has been said about Jason Higgs but from my part he gave the spectators something to watch and indeed made a good race of it. At one point Jason landed on me - he took the high line and I chose the low option but I was in front when he landed on me. He had the decency to apologise later but I really thought I was damaged badly.I heard his machine screaming overhead then his front wheel hit my elbow causing my left hand to go completely numb, I nearly pulled in but the adrenaline kept me going. But even now I still have very little feeling in my little finger.Supercross by definition is a contact sport and that's exactly why the public love this game - it's 100 per cent adrenaline rush, bar-bashing action and as a racer I know that sometimes the only way to make a pass is with a block move...It was a great feeling winning both nights at the Odyssey, the fans were fantastic, the track was challenging and the result, well what can I tell you - bloody marvellous.After the Odyssey race I packed my bags and headed off to the Moto GP in Spain, thanks to Peter Remould and the guys from Bridgestone. What a weekend it was with Jerry Maguire, Adrian Coates and the boys who brought singing to new limits - cat-idol doesn't even come close to describing the racket. In usual form we managed to blag some pit passes which gave us access to pretty much everywhere including the hospitality areas which provided us with ample amounts of mineral water etc.As we head into December it's going to be gym time and I won't ride a motocrosser until January. I need to give myself a complete break from riding as it's been a long, hard season and my body needs to heal completely from all the niggling injures that I've picked up this year. I'm off to the gym, I'll see you all next month.Gordy