The Fast Show
By TMX Archives on 9th Jan 03

WITH THE emphasis once again on riding activities, the three-day Off-Road UK 2002 show returned to Trentham Gardens in early October with outdoor demonstrations again the main attraction.
Daily supermoto challenge demos featured top names such as David Knight, Leighton Hauge, Rob Meek and Richard May while inside the trials hall the extreme trials team of Dan Clark and Martin Crosswaite kept the crowds entertained with their unique and comical feet-up routines. Not to be out-done, the Bolddog freestyle stunt team performed an exciting mix of aerial freestyle tricks and inside the main exhibition hall more than 45 of the country's leading traders (and Rush Racing!) gathered to display and sell.
A shortened two-hour round of the Fast Eddy XC championship was also staged with Manx ace Knighter again proving himself as the county's leading cross-country rider. Just for the record, he finished one lap ahead of his brother Juan and two laps in front of visiting Aussie Stefan Merriman.
"Moving the show to earlier in the year was a bit of a gamble but I'm really pleased with the way everything went," explained event organiser - and dbr columnist - Paul Edmondson. "It would have been nice if the weather had of been a bit better for us which is why we're looking for a venue that will allow us to bring the demonstrations indoors for '03."