This time of the year..
By TMX Archives on 8th Nov 05

No matter how much passion we all invest in the sport, there's no getting away from the fact that we're just an itty-bitty minnow in a huge sea of footie fans, cricket nuts, rugby fanatics etc etc etc. No matter how much passion we all invest in the sport, there's no getting away from the fact that we're just an itty-bitty minnow in a huge sea of footie fans, cricket nuts, rugby fanatics etc etc etc. So what happens? We all pull together and get behind a single supercross series that's a sell-out success, helping to take the sport to that mythical 'next level' we all so much aspire to. My arse we do!What actually happens is we have two rival series plus a stand alone date in Belfast and lots of bad feeling as events clash and the potential audience is split every which way. I'm not pointing the finger at individuals - as far as I'm concerned anyone who's got the hairy boys to risk a fat wad of cash on running a SX deserves our support - but surely a bit of dialogue between the different parties wouldn't go amiss.How about this for a revolutionary idea? Why doesn't the ACU - instead of stirring things up by firing off crappy letters to a venue that's due to host non-ACU-backed events - actually get all the interested parties together around a table and at least attempt to broker a ceasefire? The Maxxis MX championship doesn't rely on one organiser so why should our domestic supercross series? Think about it - a couple of rounds run by Future West at Sheffield and Cardiff, another two rounds staged by Events 22 in Belfast and RHL Activities pitching in with rounds at the NEC and, say, London's Excel Arena. It's not exactly rocket science...Moving swiftly on to happier tidings and this month's comment wouldn't be complete without a huge slap on the back for David Knight. The mighty, meaty Manxman's made mincemeat (read it and weep Burnicle!) out of the best enduro riders on the planet to lift his first world title. So well done DK - we knew you had it in you!