T+MX Christmas double whammy
By TMX Archives on 14th Dec 06

WELCOME to the penultimate issue of Trials and Motocross News 2006!Yes, amazingly, after yet another action-packed, excitement-filled, record-breaking year, there is only one more week to go in the 2006 season, at least as far as issues of your favourite off-road read go.
Which means that the Really Good News is that next Friday (December 22) will see the now traditional, eagerly-anticipated Christmas Double issue of T+MX waiting for you at your friendly newsagent's – or crashing through your letterbox next Thursday if you are one of our valued subscribers! Just think of those poor newspaper boys.
For those of you who may not know, next week's T+MX will cover TWO weeks over the Christmas – New Year holiday period and for that reason we always produce an absolute BUMPER edition in order to give you plenty of off-road reading for when you are slumped on the sofa following a blow-out meal!
For the record, it is not that we are too lazy to produce an edition over the Christmas period, it is simply that we could not physically get it produced, printed and distributed due to other people wanting to enjoy their holiday break.
So a Christmas Double it is – and it will be mega!
In it we will be packing all kinds of action features with something to appeal to everyone. We'll have some cracking season-wraps featuring trials, motocross and enduro with all the memories of a fantastic year. Stefan Everts, David Knight, Adam Raga, Ricky Carmichael are just a few of the big names who'll be in the mix but it is not just about the stars. We'll be looking at the Youths, and the Ladies and the Classic guys and gals and the sidecars and much, much more.
And of course centre spread will feature our renowned, comprehensive, unique Off-Road Events Calendar for 2007!
This is absolutely unmissable for all serious off-road fans as we feature all the new season's World and British Championship series dates and major events for all disciplines of the sport. If you are looking forward to planning your 2007 season then this is your starting point. The calendar is Mannix Devlin's personal labour of love and Mannix begins compiling the dates in the autumn and continually updates them right up to the last minute so that the calendar will be accurate at time of going to press. Some dates will inevitably be subsequently changed due to event cancellations etc but nowhere else will you find such a comprehensive wealth of information this Christmas!
Your Christmas T+MX will of course also contain all your favourite columns: MX Diary, Youth Club, AMCA, Classic and Twin-Shock, Trials Torque, Enduro and Quads - all with a suitable festive flavour.
So don't miss out, order your T+MX Christmas Double from your Newsagent NOW – it'll keep you going right through your well-earned holiday break!